Monday, March 9, 2015


I have not been subtle about my love of Destroyers. I loved the idea of them last edition and for them to be buffed in this edition for no price increase (and in fact a price drop for Heavies) was just my dream. They're rather fantastic now: able to shoot and scoot with Assault moves and super durable with the new RP and extra wound. T5 3+ was... pretty good before, but would die to any amount of focus fire. Now, T5 3+/5+++ and double the wounds, plus able to jump back into cover? That's fantastic.

The Destroyer Cult formation has been my favorite thing since I opened up the codex. Not only did my favorite unit get buffed, but they also got one of the best formations in the book, and indeed, one of the best in any base codex? Sign me the heck up. Move Through Cover means jumping in and out of ruins or over walls is easy as 1-2-3. Rerolling all wounds and pens makes their already fantastic guns crazy good. Heavy Destroyers go from pretty good anti-tank to armor-shredding monsters.

My standard setup for a Cult is what I showed in a previous post:
Destroyer Cult
Destroyer Lord (Phase Shifter, Warscythe)
Heavy Destroyers x3
Destroyers x3 (One Heavy)
Destroyers x3 (One Heavy)
Destroyers x3 (One Heavy)
This brings 6 Heavies which are spread out and can threaten different angles, important for dropping Knights with their invulns. It also means that if you need to fire the regular Destroyers at another target, you can do so without redirecting too much AP2 shooting.

MSU seems to be the name of the game nowadays, and the Cult is definitely that. 4 units that can shoot and scoot, all with pretty long range shooting, means that you can spread out and threaten multiple zones simultaneously without sacrificing firepower. Each one is fairly durable (6 wounds with 3+ and RP, as well as nearly always a cover save), so it would take some serious focus fire or specific weapons to remove them from the board in any timely manner.

I'm surprised that people aren't scared of this. I get that we're all hung up on how good giving Wraiths RP with Canoptek Harvest is, but personally I feel that the Cult is the most dangerous formation in the book. Lots of high strength AP3/AP2 shooting, durable units, and both of the formation bonuses are fantastic. Every opponent that has gone up against it has told me how nasty it felt to face that much firepower and mobility, and I don't blame them. Even when playing with a CAD, I consider my Destroyers to be the backbone of my army. They do the heavy lifting, while Deathstars and Troops do the other stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Too love the new cult. Have you tried Heavies near a stalker or the D Lord deep striking with a squad of Deathmarks? Allows the heavies to reroll everything and the Deathmarks get PE so they have rapid fire wounds on twos and re roll ones. SHENANIGANS
