Friday, January 30, 2015

Tomb World Awakening

So this is a blog! I've been very excited for the new Necron codex to come out, and now that it is for the most part, I'm even more excited to actually play with it and finally finish building and painting my Necrons. I figured, this is as good of a place as any to talk about them. My thoughts on the units, post some progress on my Dynasty, and Battle Reports once I get some games under my belt. I also collect Daemons and a smattering of other armies (a Knight, some Scions, a squad or two of other things), so they'll pop up from time to time as well.

From what I've seen of the codex so far, I'm liking the 7th edition 'Crons. Yes, our cheesey units have gotten nerfed, but that's about expected. I'm more excited for all of our other units getting buffed and seeing what new things we can put on the table that was just not workable before.

So yeah, this is a place for me to talk about our Egyptian Space Terminators. If you like that sort of thing, welcome! If not, well you can stick around too, I suppose.

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