Obyron leading Warscythe Lychguard will remove anything from the board in a round or two. Knights? Gone. Baneblades? Bye bye. Terminator sqauds? Not even an issue. Even going at I2, the amount of Warscythe attacks being thrown out by this unit will shred anything to bits in ways that would make Khorne proud.
I've already talked previously about Shield Lychguard and their uses. The deathball is something special, and has a place in many armies. Warscythe Lychguard are a completely different monster. They're just as durable to AP4 or worse, but die much more easily to AP3/2/1. You can supplement this with a Chronometron Cryptek, who gives them a 5++ against shooting. Against anything but AP3 specifically, this makes them tougher than Terminators until they reach Assault, where they're still about the same, but much cheaper and, imo, more powerful than Assault Terminators.
The issue is getting them there. There's an argument to be made for Night Scythes, but then you're fairly reliant on Reserves for your choppy unit. Not bad, but then you're looking at a turn 3 charge at the earliest.
Zahndrekh can provide an option. Start Zahndrekh near the edge of your DZ, move him up 6", then teleport Obyron and 10 Warscythe Lychguard 12" ahead of him. That's an 18" move (plus Running) on turn 1, which is most of No Man's Land, and in fact all of it if you manage to get that 6" run. That's 11 Warscythes on top of or in your enemy's DZ, ready to charge turn 2. That should be flat out terrifying.
It has been pointed out to me that Ghostwalk Mantle has to be used before the rest of Movement, meaning it's only 12" to the middle of the board by this strategy. Still, you could do it Turn 2 or just use the 12" move as is.
With T5/3+/5++/4+++ on them (bump that to a 2+ on Obyron), that's pretty darn hard to remove from the board. To remove just the Lychguard, that's 60 wounds at AP4 or worse. Only 30 at AP3 or better, but that's still a lot of shooting just to remove a single unit. Obyron + Chronotek + 10 Lychguard is 460, not a bad price for one of the most destructive Assault units to see the tabletop with fairly good tanking power.
Take for instance: fighting a Knight. Assuming they get into combat without taking losses, and they get the charge, they lose 2 Lychguard and deal 10.1 Hull Points (before taking into account any extras from Explodes! results). If they get charged by the Knight, they lose 3 Lychguard and deal 6.5 Hull Points (before Explodes!).
The issue with this unit is if they face AP3 or better weaponry that goes before I2, they might lose a few before going. But with RP, they're still saving 1/3 to 1/2 of those. Something like Thunderwolf Calvary squads are hard to take down with their 3++ shields and AP2 weapons, though given that the Obyronstar would still be saving plenty of those on RP and dealing plenty of their own,
Overall, compared to the Shieldguard deathstar, this version is much more killy, but also easier to kill against many things. Is there room for it in a Necron army? Possibly. They have their ups and downs, just like most units in the game. They lack the mobility and durability of Wraiths, but bring better actual combat. They lack the stubbornness of Shieldguard, but again, kill much better. In today's meta, the durability and mobility is probably more valuable, but if you think you can utilize them in a way that they can get enemies, they'll remove things for you.
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