Oh right, this blog is something I have!
Apologies for not posting for a while. Had a new job, left it, started a new job, moved, and just general life got in the way.
But, I've been playing in a lot of one or two day tournaments lately and have been working on my hobby quite a bit! Necrons are still my jam (though my Daemons have seen some table time), and I'm looking forward to writing some more pieces on them going forward.
Per requests, I'll be doing a post on Necrons vs Daemons (possibly multiple posts to deal with multiple playstyles) and one on the Catacomb Command Barge. But, I also have some that I want to do, such as AV13 armies, using Sentry Pylons, and another piece on Allies and "gimmick lists".
So look forward to new posts and progress pictures going forward!