Monday, April 27, 2015

Necrons Versus X

Sorry I've been sorta dead in my posting habits lately. I haven't really had much to post about - I've been playing my Daemons quite a bit since I got my Blight Drones from Forge World, and I'm not really sure what to write about for Necron tactics.

I started writing an article about vehicles and the new AV13 walls, but it really just boiled down to "most vehicles are fairly bad except the Ghost Ark, Flyers, and CCB, which are cool". AV13 is great, but it doesn't mean much against actual anti-tank guns and the new D weaponry. And Open-Topped sucks quite a bit. Most vehicles have a place, but none of them are standout units like our Infantry is nowadays, in my opinion.

So instead, I'm going to work on some articles talking about our matchups against certain armies. And while Eldar are the new hotness/terror of the night, I'm going to include them too. Though, since I haven't played against them yet, it'll probably be later or mostly theoretical.

If you have any you want to read about specifically, let me know! I've played against most armies at least a few times, though there are a few I'm not super familiar with. In any case, I'll do my best to help you beat whatever army is giving you trouble at the time.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Wraiths - Everyone's Favorite Unit to Hate

Go on nearly any forum, blog, or podcast nowadays and the unit that people are complaining the most about in the Necron book is Wraiths. Wraiths - supposedly an invincible unit that kills everything in the game without breaking a sweat. Even the sight of them will cause people to let out exasperated sighs.

But, are they really that good? Does the inclusion of Wraiths forebode an immediate loss? Let's think about it a little bit.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Destroyer Lord - The MC who's not an MC

Ah, Destroyer Lords. Last edition, the beatstick that you put with Wraiths to give people fits. Nowadays, that's a bit more difficult since he lacks the movespeed, but he's still quite good. He still passes out Preferred Enemy (Everything!) to any unit he joins, which is a huge boon. He's still a great beatstick and puts the hurt on anything that he can get his hands on.

But I've been thinking about another way to use him: as a pseudo Monstrous Creature. More after the break.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Nope, I'm not dead! Just a bit burnt out after Adepticon, getting caught up with work and fiddling with my models (working on my Daemons, being tempted by other shiny armies, etc). But here today, I'm going to talk about Assault.

Necrons have, for a long time, been known as a shooting army. Last edition, we had exactly one good assault unit - the Wraith. Scarabs were ok, but Lychguard and Praetorians were way overpriced and Flayed ones, as noted previously, were just plain bad. But now? Now Necrons are possibly even better at Assault then they are at shooting.